Azaleas quotes

Azaleas quotes by topic: Azaleas features, Smell and azaleas, Women and azaleas, America and azaleas, Art and azaleas, Nature and azaleas, People and azaleas, Life and azaleas, Garden and azaleas, Flowers and azaleas, Spring and azaleas, Forest and azaleas, Red azalea, Color and azaleas, Pink azalea, Window and azaleas.

From which countries did azaleas quotes come to us? The azaleas quotes collected here belong to authors from the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Russia, China, Belgium…

Azaleas features

There are two common types or classes,—the hardy or Ghent Azaleas, and the Indian Azaleas. (Liberty Hyde Bailey)

One of the most deservedly admired of all our shrubs is the lovely Californian azalea. (Mary Elizabeth Parsons)

Azaleas formed a coral bush. (François-René de Chateaubriand)

…well, and the shepherd is discoursing on the various poisons lurking in these high pastures—azalea, kalmia, alkali. (John Muir)

Smell and azaleas

The smell of azaleas and the sleepy smell of sun working with chlorophyll filled the air. (John Steinbeck)

A wave of the azalea scent drifted into June’s face; she felt sick and dizzy. (John Galsworthy)

The sweet smell of the South, of Camellias and Azaleas, clings to Beaufort’s ancient and historic buildings. (Walter Cronkite)

Women and azaleas

She looked now in the soft lamplight like an enormous azalea in full bloom. (Corra Harris)

…fitting setting for one who was still as much a delightful novelty to him in womanhood as was the azalea among flowers. (Rafael Sabatini)

Her hat was covered with poppies and wild azalea, and she had a sheaf of buttercups and «blue eyes» in her belt. (Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton)

America and azaleas

Everyone was talking at once. Roses with tears recalled the blessed valleys of Shiraz, Hyacinths — Palestine, Azaleas — America, Lilies — Egypt… Flowers gathered here from all over the world, and everyone could tell so much. (Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak)

The American spring is like the country itself: abundant, rich, flowing over you like a full tide…. Azaleas were suddenly ablaze. White dogwoods stood like brides in the wood — these trees of all colors were new to me; one does not meet them in Europe, and dogwood cannot even be transplanted to other continents. White and pink magnolias, yellowish rhododendrons, all of them lived happily side by side with our ordinary lilacs and lilies of the valley — the Russian symbols of spring. (Svetlana Alliluyeva)

Art and azaleas

Looking out of my window this lovely spring morning I see an azalea in full bloom. No, no! I do not see that; though that is the only way I can describe what I see. That is a proposition, a sentence, a fact; but what I perceive is not proposition, sentence, fact, but only an image which I make intelligible in part by means of a statement of fact. This statement is abstract; but what I see is concrete. (Charles Sanders Peirce)

Although the style of each varied in crudity, the subjects of the paintings were relatively similar: camellias floating in bowls of water, azaleas tortured into ambitious flower arrangements, magnolias that looked like white windmills. (John Kennedy Toole)

Nature and azaleas

Some distance away is a white azalea bush which stuns me with its stately beauty. This is pristine natural beauty. it is irrepressible, seeks no reward, and is without goal, a beauty derived neither from symbolism nor metaphor and needing neither analogies nor associations. (Gao Xingjian)

Azaleas, rhododendrons with Senegalese dimensions give a cheerful note to this sad park where the dazzling colors amaze, where their gigantic size seems to struggle with the old ramparts which are still solid. (Gustave Fraipont)

Quotes about nature

People and azaleas

And pale, with a bouquet of azaleas, Pierrot meets
them with laughter… (Anna Akhmatova)

I lay in the scent of azaleas,
I dozed in musical silence,
And a breath of sadness slipped,
A breath of a beautiful soul. (Valery Bryusov)

Life and azaleas

Look around at the azaleas making fuchsia star bursts in spring; look at a full moon hanging silver in a black sky on a cold night. And realize that life is glorious, and that you have no business taking it for granted. (Anna Quindlen)

Cats are the slipperiest of domestic animals. Thousands of years of genetic coding has taught them to melt into azaleas, lie motionless behind garden gnomes, glide along fence tops, and slink under benches. (Caroline Paul)

Garden and azaleas

“Always wanted a smaller house, Jem Finch. Gives me more yard. Just think, I’ll have more room for my azaleas now!” (Harper Lee)

My mother said azaleas are like decorative objects — you should move them at will. She had no compunction about moving a plant if it wasn’t doing its job. (Signe Cann)

Garden quotes

Flowers and azaleas

The pink azalea, or swamp pink, violets, buttercups, and all kinds of meadow beauties began peeping up all around. (Harriet Anna Cheever)

The rhododendrons, plots of wild strawberries, flame azaleas, Solomon’s seal, sweet shrub, mountain laurel, ginseng, Fraser magnolia…create a seemingly infinite green tapestry that surrounds the trail. (William Bartram)

Quotes about flowers

Spring and azaleas

Almost before one could hope for it, the dogwood and laurel and azalea burst into bloom and the windows and doors were flung back in welcome to spring. (Harriet Theresa Comstock)

The azalea flamed in yellow and orange and scarlet glory, a note of savage color on spring’s soft palette. (Mabell S.C. Smith)

Quotes about spring

Forest and azaleas

The yellow blossoms of this fine azalea impart an unwonted brilliance to large patches of the Pilawin forest in spring. (Richard Lydekker)

And in the woods a fragrance rare Of wild azaleas fills the air, And richly tangled overhead We see their blossoms sweet and red. (Dora Read Goodale)

Quotes about forest

Red azalea

A red azalea on the long mahogany table, strewn with books, separated them by its fierce splash of color. (Basil King)

Frank pulled up in ecstasy opposite a flame-coloured azalea that was just bursting into bloom. (Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler)

Color and azaleas

If there were ever a flower that personified color then it is surely the azalea. (Frederick H. Davis)

Azaleas burn passionately at sunset,
And I create a spring dream with a dream. (Georgy Ivanov)

Pink azalea

Everywhere grew the beautiful northern azalea, of a clear pink with a perfume like sandal-wood. (Samuel Scoville)

Hesse took a long drive to the woods, and brought back great masses of ferns, pink azalea, and wild laurel. (Susan Coolidge)

Window and azaleas

In the window of your room Bloomed a late azalea. (Madison Julius Cawein)

In one of the closest, most filthy courts we see, in a garret window, a white azalea full of flowers, pure as the untrodden snow. (O.F. Walton)

Among the topics of azaleas quotes, I would highlight America, window, smell, forest, art.

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