Cornflowers quotes

Cornflowers quotes by topic: Cornflowers features, Love and cornflowers, Sky and cornflowers, Death and cornflowers, Poppies and cornflowers, Eyes and cornflowers, Poetry and cornflowers, Evening and cornflowers, Sea and cornflowers, People and cornflowers, Joy and cornflowers, Rye and cornflowers, Gardening and cornflowers, etc.

From which countries did cornflowers quotes come to us? The cornflowers quotes collected here belong to authors from the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Canada, Denmark, Netherlands.

Cornflowers features

The cornflower or bachelor’s button ( Centaurea cyanus ) is a well-known garden annual. (Eula Whitehouse)

Cornflowers or bachelor’s buttons are lovely too. (Ellen Eddy Shaw)

But this place being open was full of flowers, such lovely azure cornflowers which the people call bluebottles. (Richard Jefferies)

The stems of the Corn Flower are very tough. (C.E. Smith)

The colour blue is a quality which belongs equally to the cheerful sky, the cornflower, the sea, certain eyes, and many military uniforms. (Max Simon Nordau)

Love and cornflowers

I’ll braid cornflowers into a wreath In your blond curly hair. How the blue shine shines so clearly on a golden background! The blue wreath is my delight; He tells me again and again, There is no one in my heart like you, my child, so faithful. At the same time, its sky-blue reminds me secretly of a sweet kind that a whole kingdom of heaven came to me in your love. (Emmanuel Geibel)

Who flies like a butterfly
From cornflower to cornflower,
That one does not yet know love;
Who loved, loves forever. (Nikolai Karamzin)

There is no the desired. The boundlessness of the fields.
Only one cornflower, twinkling,
Sings through the golden flood
Where my dear was. (Konstantin Balmont)

Sky and cornflowers

It was a gorgeous end-of-summer-just-starting-to-befall day. The trees swayed in the breeze. The sky was the color of cornflowers. (Jacqueline Davies)

Big cornflowers balanced aloft their light blue caps which looked as if they would fly away at every breath of air…. (Émile Zola)

Humble flower of the field,
You are the beauty of golden cornfields,
With your azure blue
You reflect the heavens … (Nikolai Kholodkovsky)

Death and cornflowers

Then Lisa brought blue cornflowers and red poppies and laid them on the little mound, and they all went silently back to the house. (Walter Alden Dyer)

She was young and lovely and surprised and dead. She was also blue. Blue as opals, pale blue. Blue as cornflowers, or dragonfly wings, or a spring — not summer — sky. (Laini Taylor)

Cornflowers, you say, just cornflowers, gemming the golden grain;
Ah no! You can’t deceive me. Can’t I believe my eyes?
Look! It’s the dead, my comrades, stark on the dreadful plain,
All in their dark-blue blouses, staring up at the skies.
Comrades of canteen laughter, dumb in the yellow wheat. (Robert Service)

Poppies and cornflowers

Crimson poppies and blue cornflowers gleam among the wheat, lending a touch of brilliant color to the billowy… (Thomas Dowler Murphy)

The children picked handfuls of scarlet poppies and beautiful blue cornflowers. (Eulalie Osgood Grover)

Then, having skirted a field of oats, spangled with cornflowers and poppies, we arrived at an orchard where cows, in brindle coats, were sleeping, reclining in the shade of the apple trees. (Octave Mirbeau)

Quotes about poppies

Eyes and cornflowers

Her eyes are much, much more than cornflower blue. That doesn’t do it for me. (Stephen Kimber)

Her blonde hair shone like gold in the sun; her eyes, bluer than the cornflower, reflected the sweetness of her angelic disposition. (Eugène Sue)

He was intently following the play of her round, almost girlish face—already slightly rumpled, it was illuminated by eyes as blue as cornflowers and bright as those of a child. (Maxim Gorky)

Poetry and cornflowers

We need to develop a style. I order you to sprinkle flowers all over the balcony — poppies and cornflowers. And I will walk on them. On a purple day, in a green toilet. Beautiful! I will walk among the tares —for poppies and cornflowers are the tares —and compose poetry . (Taffy)

I’m still the same.
My heart is still the same.
Like cornflowers in rye, eyes bloom in the face.
A stele of poems, green matting,
I want to tell you tenderly. (Sergei Yesenin)

Evening and cornflowers

It was the most beautiful evening, with the lake as blue as a cornflower and the sky flecked with rosy clouds. They held their hard-boiled eggs in one hand and a piece of bread and butter in the other, munching happily. (Enid Blyton)

In the evening, a warm summer breeze caresses the wild flower meadow.
Poppies and cornflowers sway like the waves across the sea.
The meaning is far away for me, soon the stars will shine brightly in the night. (Karin Schönfisch)

Sea and cornflowers

I have seen Whales, black as tar, cushioned on a cornflower blue sea, creating a Versailles of fountain with their breath. (Gerald Durrell)

Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep; so deep, indeed, that no cable could fathom it: many church steeples, piled one upon another, would not reach from the ground beneath to the surface of the water above. There dwell the Sea King and his subjects. (Hans Christian Andersen)

People and cornflowers

They had never been able to make crowns from the blue cornflowers and the red poppies which grew at the edge of tilled fields. (Wilhelm Raabe)

Chords , like waves and the ghost of separation —
Withered blue cornflower for a long time …
How unbearable familiar sounds are to the heart!
How the beloved flower disturbs the soul! (Vladimir Nabokov)

Joy and cornflowers

Cornflower, a flower blossoms for it’s own joy. (Oscar Wilde)

To the seriousness of useful ears of corn
we add what shines cheerfully:
Nature wants to teach you joy,
And she brings the bread crowned. (Johannes Trojan)

Rye and cornflowers

All around them the dry ears of rye waver and rustle, and among them are the blue-eyed little cornflowers. (Fyodor Sologub)

Picked this cornflower in the rustling rye, These briar roses from a luscious hedge, This purple iris in the woodland sedge. (Maurice Baring)

Gardening and cornflowers

The blue cornflower should have a piece of ground to itself, and so of course should the carnations. (Henry Arthur Bright)

C. Cyanus is the Corn Flower or Bachelor Button , familiar to every flower lover, and always seen in old-fashioned gardens. (Liberty Hyde Bailey)

Quotes about gardening

Women and cornflowers

A crowd without red girls, What is rye without cornflowers. (Nikolay Nekrasov)

And what luxurious hair! The scythe is thick in my hand. In a blue dress … one charm. Such, you know … a cornflower blooming in the wilderness . (Aleksandr Kuprin)

Flowers and cornflowers

Flowers on every side—cornflowers, poppies, violets. (Romain Rolland)

Cornflowers, which have little seeds like shaving-brushes, generally sow themselves, and marigolds do too. (Dorothy Canfield Fisher)

Quotes about flowers

Grain crops and cornflowers

When the mowers cut down the grain, they also do cut down the cornflowers that grow in the fields. (Opal Stanley Whiteley)

Cornflowers are too many in a field of wheat, and yet who can deny that it owes its brilliance to it? (Constantÿn Huygens)

Among the topics of cornflowers quotes, I would highlight rye, poppies, sea, joy, sky.

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