Forget-me-nots quotes

Forget-me-nots quotes by topic: Forget-me-nots features, Love and forget-me-nots, Girl and forget-me-nots, Attitude to forget-me-nots, Memory and forget-me-nots, Legends and forget-me-nots, Flowers and forget-me-nots, Death and forget-me-nots, Religion and forget-me-nots, Woman and forget-me-nots, Life and forget-me-nots, Happiness and forget-me-nots.

From which countries did forget-me-nots quotes come to us? The forget-me-nots quotes collected here belong to authors from the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Armenia, Scotland.

Forget-me-nots features

The blue and bright-eyed floweret of the brook, Hope’s gentle gem, the sweet Forget-me-not. (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

The blue gentian, the forget-me-not with small turquoise stars bravely climb the mountain with you. (Theophile Gautier)

You have everything to learn,
everything that cannot be learned:
loneliness, indifference, patience, silence. (George Perec)

Of the earth and the sky I am half-breed;
I have the blue of one, of the other the sap:
The lover adorned with my azure, dreams;
I am forget-me-not… (Nina de Callias)

The flower is sad from now on
Love is dear; the heart beats
when the eye takes it.
He is called forget-me-not;
In damp places, near swamps,
As if afraid of a touch,
He seeks solitude there,
And he blooms with the color of the sky,
Where there is no death and no oblivion … (Mikhail Lermontov)

Love and forget-me-nots

Forget-me-not — True love for ever. (Daniel Young)

Love’s faded pledge—Forget-me-not! (Theodore Martin)

The little forget-me-not enclosed, carries a kiss. (Isabel Anderson)

No one waters flowerbeds, lawns, forget-me-not coppices and hedges without thinking of the delys of love. (Marc Gendron)

Come on, no tears in our memory!
— It’s the male-death of love here —
Forget forget-me-nots, old cupboard bag! (Tristan Corbiere)

Girl and forget-me-nots

A girl like a silvery moth, like a forget-me-not! (John Galsworthy)

We cannot not remember her, her very eyes tell us: do not forget me, since they are two forget-me-nots. (Marcel Proust)

The way he looked at Julia made her feel attractive. For half an hour, as their sentences floated pleasantly among the scent of violets and snowdrops, forget-me-nots and pansies, her interest in him grew. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Baby please forget-me-not
I want you to remember
Sending you forget-me-nots
To help me to remember. (La Bouche)

Attitude to forget-me-nots

Forget-me-nots… She loved those flowers more than any other in their big beautiful garden or in the whole wide world for that matter. They were sky blue, just like his eyes, they held a promise… Forget me not. (Melanie Sargsian)

The forget-me-nots with blue flowers
Say to me: Don’t forget me!
The dragonflies with their tails
Scratch Me in their antics; (Theophile Gautier)

June sings, and the songs of this heat
Burn my chest, and dreams, and reason.
I am exhausted and thirst for forget-me-nots,
Children of the ditches that dream under the moon
Another flower, another side. (Igor Severyanin)

Memory and forget-me-nots

A crumpled columbine that a forget-me- not has forgotten. (Sylvain Tesson)

Tears are the forget-me-nots of loving memories. (Katja Heimberg)

It was this sprig of forget-me-not that was to refresh his memory. The forget-me-not has always passed for a devilish memorizing plant. (Alphonse Allais)

Legends and forget-me-nots

There is a German legend that just as God had finished naming all the plants, one was left unnamed. A tiny voice spoke out, “Forget me not, O Lord!” And God replied that this would be its name. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

Tell us, forget-me-nots, why were you baptized «Forget me not», and sometimes also «Love me»?
It is said that a handsome knight courted his beloved by a river; out of discretion, he had kept his armour, unless it was to satisfy a fantasy of the beauty. Wanting to pick a flower from her, he stumbled and fell heavily into the water. Harnessed as he was, there was no question of escaping drowning. He had just enough time to offer her this flower, exclaiming: «Don’t forget me!» This flower was none other than a forget-me-not. (Jean-Marie Pelt)

Flowers and forget-me-nots

Fill the beds with polyanthus, wallflower, forget-me-not and other early flowers. (Violet Purton Biddle)

All flowers are flirtatious — particularly if they carry hyphenated names. The more hyphens in the name, the flirtier the flower. The one-hyphen flowers — black-eyed Susan; lady-smock; musk-rose — may give you only a shy glance and then drop their eyes; the two-hyphen flowers — forget-me-not; flower-de-luce — keep glancing. Flowers with three or more hyphens flirt all over the garden and continue even when they are cut and arranged in vases. John-go-to-bed-at-noon does not go there simply to sleep. (Willard R. Espy)

Quotes about flowers

Death and forget-me-nots

A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble. (Charles Spurgeon)

Where you are now there is a little forget-me-not.
It grows on a green meadow in bright sunlight.
Don’t be sad, always remember
that our separation can’t be forever.
One day we will meet again
and walk through your eternal home together. (Natunika)

Religion and forget-me-nots

Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven, Blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

I would like to use this little flower as a metaphor. The five petals of the little forget-me-not flower prompt me to consider five things we would be wise never to forget….first, forget not to be patient with yourself…second, forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice…third, forget not to be happy now…fourth, forget not the why of the gospel…fifth, forget not that the Lord loves you. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

Woman and forget-me-nots

On the honeymoon, the woman is still called a forget-me-not to the man; but later she gets the other names that this little flower bears in different regions: swamp mouse-ear, toad’s eye, scorpion chard. (Jean Paul)

This room has mystery like a trance Of wine; forget-me-nots of you Are chair and couch, the books your Fingers touched. And now that you Are absent here the silence scrapes A secret rust from everything; While sudden wreaths of sorrow’s Dust uncover emptiness like halls To stumble through, and terror falls. (Kenneth Patchen)

Life and forget-me-nots

There is something inspiring and sublime about the little forget-me-not flower. I hope it will be a symbol of the little things that make your lives joyful and sweet. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

And until the end of sad days
Neither proud experience nor reason
Will crush the hand of their
bloody life of forget-me-nots. (Ivan Turgenev)

Happiness and forget-me-nots

If we spend our days waiting for fabulous roses, we could miss the beauty and wonder of the tiny forget-me-nots that are all around us. (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

How rare is a happy face
Among those who dream of crowns of glory;
It’s a single forget-me-not
Worth much more than a forest of laurel trees. (Albert Roderich)

Among the topics of forget-me-nots quotes, I would highlight memory, legends, girl, flowers, happiness.

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