Wind quotes

Wind quotesWind quotes by topic: People and wind, Love and wind, Words and wind, Soul and wind, Wind features, Death and wind, Against the wind, Loneliness and wind, Sea and wind, Mountains and wind, Sun and wind, Freedom and wind, Storm and wind, Nature and wind, Sky and wind, Life and wind, Girls and wind, Adversity and wind, Fashion and wind, Time and wind, ect.

People and wind

If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable. (Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

Gone with the wind. (Francois Villon)

On life’s vast ocean diversely we sail, Reason the card, but passion is the gale; Nor God alone in the still calm we find, He mounts the storm, and walks upon the wind. (Alexander Pope)

He who observes the wind will not sow,. and he who regards the clouds will not reap. (Solomon)

The wind is us — it gathers and remembers all our voices, then sends them talking and telling through the leaves and the fields. (Truman Capote)

It is evident from what I have said, that we are in many ways driven about by external causes, and that like waves of the sea driven by contrary winds we toss to and fro unwitting of the issue and of our fate. (Baruch Spinoza)

Every time that the wind blows it bears with it more of the dreams of men than of the clouds of heaven. (Victor Hugo)

Be like the wind when it rushes forth from its mountain-caves: to its own piping will it dance; the seas tremble and leap under its footsteps. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

The reader of these Memoirs will discover that I never had any fixed aim before my eyes, and that my system, if it can be called a system, has been to glide away unconcernedly on the stream of life, trusting to the wind wherever it led. (Giacomo Casanova)

The older you get the stronger the wind gets — and it’s always in your face. (Pablo Picasso)

Love and wind

Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and fans the bonfire. (Francois de la Rochefoucauld)

Absence is for love what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes a small love, and inflates a big one even more. (Aleksandr Kuprin)

Love love! I lift a wet finger that searches all the winds for the goodwind of love. (Paul Valery)

Wind is what happens when air falls in love with itself. (Barry Webster)

Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great. (Roger de Rabutin)

Flute bamboo voice
I hear from a distant forest,
The wind fell in love, it must be … (Hattori Hanzo)

Tis done! — I saw it in my dreams;
No more with Hope the future beams;
My days of happiness are few:
Chill’d by misfortune’s wintry blast,
My dawn of life is overcast;
Love Hope, and Joy, alike adieu!
Would I could add Remembrance too! (George Gordon Byron)

Words and wind

Words empty as the wind are best left unsaid. (Homer)

Words are but wind; and learning is nothing but words; ergo, learning is nothing but wind. (Jonathan Swift)

Oaths are but words, and words are but wind. (Samuel Butler)

Big words should not be thrown to the wind. (Vladimir Lenin)

Words are air.
But the air becomes the wind,
And the wind makes the ships sail. (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing)

A particle of the earthly world
Our words,
What with the clouds and the wind
Have merged forever … (Miyoshi Tatsuji)

Soul and wind

The soul is the sail. Wind is life. (Marina Tsvetaeva)

And in my heart, as in the sea,
And the wind sings and the wave, And its depth conceals
many beautiful pearls . (Johann Georg Heine)

The fragile crisp wind has a
flowery and sunny taste…
What an amazingly sad
union of wind and heart! (Juan Ramón Jiménez)

Wind features

He will not wait, he is not a man, he is the wind. (Nickie Cullen)

Can you stop the wind? What will he become? Musty air. (Erich Maria Remarque)

Steppe winds do not have laws. (Nikolay Zabolotsky)

The wind also knows how to hug. (Iren Oginski)

No one can tell me,
Nobody knows,
Where the wind comes from,
Where the wind goes. (Alan Alexander Milne)

Death and wind

Happy in death are they only whose hearts have consigned
All Earth’s affections and longings and cares to the wind. (James Clarence Mangan)

Death is a bit like the wind: an invisible but tangible force that is always ready to knock us off our feet. (Max Frei)

I’m done, and you’re alive.
And the wind, complaining and crying,
Rocks the forest and the cottage. (Boris Pasternak)

Against the wind

When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it. (Henry Ford)

Kites rise highest against the wind — not with it. (Winston Churchill)

True courage is like a kite; a contrary wind raises it higher. (John Petit-Senn)

Who am I to blow against the wind? (Paul Simon)

I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. (Jimmy Dean)

Humor is the ability to sail against the wind in life. (Gunther Pfitzmann)

Loneliness and wind

Sometime I wonder why I walk alone on this cold, windy road. Maybe I have no one to love or no one love me at all? (Ishmael Emmanuel Balfour)

Whoever has no house now will not build one anymore.
Whoever is alone now will remain so for a long time,
will stay up, read, write long letters,
and wander the avenues, up and down,
restlessly, while the leaves are blowing. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Sea and wind

We must free ourselves of the hope that the sea will ever rest. We must learn to sail in high winds. (Aristotle Onassis)

The populace is like the sea motionless in itself, but stirred by every wind, even the lightest breeze. (Livy)

Gentle evening. Darkness is important.
Hum after rumble. Shaft after shaft.
And in the face of us the damp wind
Beats with a salty veil. (Osip Mandelstam)

Mountains and wind

Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame! (William Butler Yeats)

Well, how can I tell you what a mountain is?
A mountain is a sky covered with stone and snow,
And in the sky there is unearthly frost, unearthly heat
And the wind is such that it was nowhere but the sky. (Yuri Vizbor)

Sun and wind

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. (Charles Dickens)

The spring breeze
jumps, stomping along the paths,
and the sun touches the lilacs
with the tip of the beam. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Quotes about sun

Freedom and wind

Be free like the wind! (Anton Chekhov)

It is only thanks to the wind that a sailboat is free on the high seas. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

Rebellious spirit —
Oh, how he has grown,
In the mountains near the bamboo thickets
Across the winds… (Hoshinaga Fumio)

Quotes about freedom

Storm and wind

When men sow the wind it is rational to expect that they will reap the whirlwind. (Frederick Douglass)

Storm has set the heavens scowling,
Whirling gusty blizzards wild,
Now they are like beasts a-growling,
Now a-wailing like a child; (Alexander Pushkin)

Storm quotes

Nature and wind

The wind is a breath of the nature. (Kozma Prutkov)

A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine. (Anne Bronte)

Have you heard how, wild and strict,
Through the heathers and along the roads The
November wind blows its horn? (Émile Verhaeren)

Quotes about nature

Sky and wind

The sky is a blackboard ominously erased minute by minute by the wind. (André Breton)

The stuffy wind blows hot,
The sun burned my hands, Above
me is an airy vault,
Like blue glass; (Anna Akhmatova)

Life and wind

The ship of life succumbs to all winds and storms if it does not have labor ballast. (Stendhal)

It is terrible to live in this world,
There is no comfort in it, —
The wind howls at dawn, The
wolves gnaw at the bunny … (Nikolay Oleynikov)

Girls and wind

Favorable winds can, at most, lift the skirt of a passing girl. (Stanisław Jerzy Lec)

Of a’ the airts the wind can blaw,
I dearly like the west,
For there the bonnie lassie lives,
The lassie I lo’e best… (Robert Burns)

Adversity and wind

Human misery must somewhere have a stop; there is no wind that always blows a storm. (Euripides)

Blow, blow, thou winter wind Thou art not so unkind, As man’s ingratitude. (William Shakespeare)

Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are. (Arthur Golden)

Fashion and wind

Time flies quickly, we are only sparks that want to shine as brightly as possible before they fade in the wind, clothes are glitter. (Gianni Versace)

Fashion is not something that only exists in clothes. Fashion is in the air, carried by thewind. We guess it. Fashion is in the sky, in the street. (Coco Chanel)

Time and wind

More fleeting than wind and wave Time flies; what is stopping it? (Johann Gottfried Herder)

Time is like the wind, it lifts the light and leaves the heavy. (Doménico Cieri Estrada)

Time is a bit like wind. The wind, we don’t see it: we see the branches it stirs, the dust it raises. But the wind himself, no one saw him. (Jean-Claude Carriere)

Passion and wind

The flame is melted by the wind, and attraction is melted by proximity. (Socrates)

The passions are the winds that blow the sails of the ship; sometimes they drown him, but without them he could not swim. (Voltaire)

Music and wind

The wind plays its own music. (Bert McCoy)

Classical music is reliable, and the music of different nations always gives the impression that you are open to all the winds of the world. (Anna Gavalda)

Anger and wind

Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind. (Robert Green Ingersoll)

Anger stirs up rebellion like the wind blows fire. (Victor Hugo)

Vane and wind

If the weather vane could talk, it would say it directs the wind. (Jules Renard)

When the wind turns we blame the weather vanes. (Paul-Jean Toulet)

Money and wind

It is a great art to sell wind. (Baltasar Gracian)

I like the wind because you can’t buy it. (Giovanni Agnelli)


Worldly fame is but a breath of wind that blows now this way, and now that, and changes name as it changes direction. (Dante Alighieri)

If you want to know everything, you could also try to catch the wind. (Master Eckhart)

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. (William Arthur Ward)

The very winds whispered in soothing accents, and maternal Nature bade me weep no more. (Mary Shelley)

The wind blew away the yellowed leaves that had fallen on the sidewalks and the mild autumn sun gave way to the harshness of winter. (Guillaume Musso)

My dream of happiness: a quiet spot by the Jamaican seashore … hearing the wind sob with the beauty and the tragedy of everything. Sitting under an almond tree, with the leaf spread over me like an umbrella. (Errol Flynn)

Among the topics of wind quotes, I would highlight freedom, music, adversity, fashion, words, anger.

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